
Our first official song from our first official jam session

This is a new Song that Noryhng Lazo and I wrote together last night. We had a ton of fun working together and I believe this will be the first of many collaborations between us.

Please excuse the fact that we are still clearly learning the song, we just wrote it litterly twenty minuetes before Korrin stated filming us. The song still needs to be finished but we'll work on that the next time we Jam which will be right after my vacation, Until then here is a taste of what we are working on. My goal is to have a finished version of this recorded and posted here by the end of the month. Until then enjoy this much of it, and wish us luck on our new musical venture!


January Take one and Two

This song is about a kid in high school who was bullied and committed suicide. It's very obvious and Overtly written, which I am kinda Embarrassed about but I still like the song and am working to finish it. 

Luckily I made it all the way through high school without knowing one person who was pushed to the breaking point by bulling but it is a HUGE ISSUE!

One this I would like to quickly talk about is never going back to the point of view that kids who are VICTIMS of Bullies should grow up and  suck it up! That kind of thinking makes me sick! 

I don't think my song is impactful in the fight against bullies but It is about a story I had read about, that coupled with some things I had personally experienced when I was in my early twenties helped me write the first verse. As you can hear the chorus needs work but that is what Elbow grease is for!

I hope this isn't too much I just wanted to talk a little about my song and tell you where I was coming from with it.


I wrote this song back in October 2011 and I thought I would post it up here today. It is very rough, I wrote it a long with a bunch of other songs while I was taking Guitar lessons over at SMC!

That class was wonderful, it was a fall class, Love Fall classes because there is a nice warm feeling associated with them as they slowly move into Autumn, Halloween and the snowy winter holidays. of course out here its a lot different.

Here in Hollywood we don't get snow but if we want to see it all we have to do is head north or into the elevations.... We never do that ;)

Anyway I just wanted to make a fun kind of song here with poppy bouncy lyrics It's about someone I knew a long time ago and not anyone who would be reading this. Anyway I hope you guys like this and tell me what you think.
